Suppressor HUB / Universal Mounts Explained

Suppressor HUB / Universal Mounts
Whether you’re new to suppressors or a seasoned user, suppressor HUB / universal mounts can get confusing. We are here to help. To start things off, we are going to clarify terms. The following terms are referring to the same thing and used interchangeably (like suppressor and silencer):
- Suppressor HUB Mount – HUB stands for “hybrid universal base”
- Suppressor Universal Mount
Benefits of Suppressor HUB / Universal Mounts
The benefits of universally threaded suppressors are that they are no longer tied to a specific company’s mounting system and they can be configured in different ways depending on the use case. In the past, if you had your firearms setup for use with a specific company’s muzzle device, you couldn’t use another company’s suppressor on that firearm (see figure below).
With the increase in popularity of suppressor HUB / universal mounts, you can now use a universally threaded suppressor from another manufacturer on that firearm (see figure below).
The benefits of being able to do this is that you can use your preferred mounting system (like our Dual Taper Mounting System) and not be confined to a certain mount. If you’ve already invested into a certain mount, it also allows you to purchase a suppressor from another company and use it with your firearms (as long as that suppressor is rated for them).
Rugged Suppressors HUB / Universal Mounts
We offer three different universal mounts in order to give you the most versatility possible. These three mounts are all threaded in 1.375×24 (HUB / Universal Threads) and can be used with any universally threaded suppressor (as long the suppressor is rated for the caliber that the mount is designed for).
Rugged Universal Mount (R.U.M.)
The Rugged Universal Mount (R.U.M.) is our most popular HUB / Universal mount and one of the lightest in it’s class. It’s designed to allow universally threaded suppressors to use our quick detach Dual Taper Locking System. This mount is ideal if you want to quickly attach/detach your suppressor from your host rifle. It’s used in conjunction with our Dual Taper Muzzle Devices that are available as flash hiders, muzzle brakes or our M2 minimalist mount. How this system works is you thread one of our muzzle devices onto your firearm, then the suppressor with the R.U.M. attaches to the muzzle device.
Universal Direct Thread
The Universal Direct Thread mount is ideal if you’re wanting to be as light as possible and/or don’t care about quick detach capabilities. Once attached to a universally threaded suppressor, it simply threads directly onto your barrel’s threads. If you’re wanting to cut costs and weight by not needed any muzzle devices (flash hiders/brakes that a quick detach mount attaches to) the Universal Direct Thread is for you.
Universal Cage
The Universal Cage is designed for HUB / universally threaded suppressors that are rated for handgun/straight wall calibers. It essentially converts the 1.375×24 threads be compatible with handgun/subgun orientated mounts. Once the Universal Cage is installed, your suppressor will be compatible with the following mounting options:
- Booster System/Pistons (for handguns)
- 3-Lug Mounts (for carbines/subguns/lever guns with 3 Lugs)
- Fixed Mounts (for carbines/subguns/leverguns without 3 Lugs)
As a side note, we don’t recommend getting a Universal Cage Mount in order to use a Fixed Mount, as it would be a simpler and more cost effective option to use a Universal Direct Thread. If you’re not familiar with the three mounting options mentioned above you can learn more about them here.Â

Suppressor HUB / Universal Mounts Overview
If you want the most versatility possible when it comes to mounting options, a universally threaded suppressor is the way to go. However if you prefer to use our Dual Taper Locking System, don’t shy away from our non-universally threaded options like the Razor7.62 because the Dual Taper Locking System mounts come built in.Â
There are a variety of options out there and we know it can get overwhelming, if you ever have questions don’t hesitate to give us a call or email here.
Check out our selection of Rifle Suppressors and Pistol Suppressors. Learn about what makes us different here: Why Rugged Suppressors.